How to Transform Your Business With Attachments

Jun. 22 2022 Buying Guide By Bobcat Company

If you want to manage a successful business, it takes more than just getting by with the one or two basic attachments — it requires a complete inventory ranging from augers and planers to snow blowers and mowers. Attachments are essential to compact equipment versatility, and the ability to successfully stock the right attachments in quantities that meet customer demand is crucial to understanding their needs and helping them further identify business opportunities.

Increase Your Versatility

Compact equipment, including excavators and loaders, should be as versatile and productive on as many jobsites as possible. Customer needs differ — from loading dirt and aggregate, to moving brush, to sweeping debris to breaking up concrete — so with attachment versatility, customers can stretch their equipment to changing applications.

Additionally, by simply adding new and different attachments, contractors in particular can increase their time and profits on particular jobsites. They can enhance utilization of capital pieces they already own, without much additional cash investments.

Cater to Your Customers

What makes your business different than the rest? If your business doesn’t distinguish your services in the competitive market, it might be time to make some changes. For instance, stocking machines with a quality attachment exchange system can increase attachment options and speed up customer efficiency. Some compact equipment models have been designed to vertically integrate with the machine’s electronics and hydraulics. These attachments provide flexibility and convenience to your customers.

Attachment Integration

Compact excavators are ideal candidates for attachment integration, allowing owners and operators to complete a variety of projects beyond the scope of just earthmoving applications. The machines can access tight areas, are effective in pavement and utility rehabilitation applications and can be used to refurbish aging utilities like gas, sewer and septic tank systems. Attachments used in conjunction with compact excavators include:

Compact loader attachments range from general, all-purpose material-handling buckets to heavy-duty industrial buckets for larger applications. Loaders can also be fitted with other attachments to handle the demand, which can multiply their capability to serve a wide variety of different applications year-round, including and snow removal. Other attachments include:

For additional information on Bobcat attachments, search all our attachments, or contact us today.